Teardrops are falling. We embrace this sad day.
A sweet little baby has just passed away.
So perfect his spirit, so perfect his love,
So perfect a gift from a Father above.
Our child, your family is grieving this day,
In our hearts God has told us why you couldn't stay.
A spirit so special, so perfect, and pure,
should not have the trials of this life to endure.
You wanted a family, that's why you came.
To be loved on earth, and given a name.
Then back to our Heavenly Father you went,
fulfilling the mission for which you were sent.
Although our grief is heavy this day,
we know you are happy, and not far away.
Loved ones have gathered close to your side.
Life is Eternal... you've really not died.
Know that we love you with all of our heart.
We'll see you our dear one when this life we part.
Save us a place where we'll be close to you,
and in joy we'll embrace, as our love we renew.
Ron Tranmer